Thursday 9 March 2017

Essay Writing Skills

One day l was going to my friend's home. It was night time and

nobody was along with me. It was approximately 8’clock and nobody

was on the road. When I entered in the street two thieves suddenly

appeared and put a knife on my neck and shouted on me to handover

all the things. At first l hesitated on giving all my stuffs to them then I

realized that nothing is more precious and important than my life so in a

minute l handover all my things to them it was difficult for me to give my

all things but I had no other option. l gave all the things like purse,

money, mobile and jewelry. I was in a shock at that time. Then they ran

and suddenly a car hit their bike badly and the thieves fell down and

they injured. No body was there for their help then l ran and l saw they

were injured and their was blood coming from their body. I was very

nervous at that time didn’t know what to do then suddenly I saw my

phone in the hand of that injured thief .I took my phone from his hand

and called an ambulance .The ambulance took them to hospital. Despite

their devilish deed l helped them because blood can never be washed

by blood only water can do that. The doctor said that it is a police case

and then l told the whole incident to policeman. The policeman

investigated the thieves and returned me all things. May be my help

realized the thieves their fault and gave a moral lesson that if we want

to do wrong with others then it can happen with is also said that to

save one man's life is to save the humanity so I did

Q: You had a flue and fever last week. You were weak and nervous because of that bad condition, you took a dose of a wrong medicine. What happened next? How did you come to your normal condition? What effects that medicine had on you?

Last week we had gone for a picnic on the beach with all my family

members. The weather was a bit cold that day. After coming back from

the picnic I had a high fever and flue. I didn’t take it seriously. I thought

I’ll be okay within a day. But next day when I woke up, I felt like I was

near to die. I had 102 fever. I was unable to talk.

I took the first aid box and searched for any tablet. I found 2 tablets

that I thought it might be the tablets of fever and flue. I took that. After

an hour my condition got worst. I was dizzied. I was unable to move. I

stood up to reach out somebody, but I fell down.

After few hours when I opened my eyes, I found myself lying on the

bed in hospital. The doctor told me that I had taken the wrong

medicines. After some treatments the doctor gave some new medicines

and discharged me from hospital. And advised me never to take any

medicine without a proper treatment.

Since that day I never took any medicine without concerning

Topic: Imagine you get robbed at knifepoint and then the thief gets hit by a car. The car speeds off, nobody else is around and he is in extreme pain but no death; do you help thief? And why?

Everybody goes through a tragedy in their life, they can never forget. A Kind of situation

that puts them in a really confusing predicament. I’ve also been in such an ordeal, I can never

forget in my whole life.

Last month my friend had arranged a party in her home. It was her birthday party. We all

friends were invited. After the party, I had to go home alone because all my friends had already

left home. It was about 12:00 am in the night. And the streets were looking so frightening. I was

driving smoothly, with high volume of my favourite songs.

Suddenly, a man appeared, asking for lift. I opened the door, and went outside. I was about

to ask him where he was going that unexpectedly, he took out a knife and put it on my neck. It

was the worst tribulation of my life. I tried my best not to handover my stuffs. I resisted. But he

pressed the knife on my neck that it started bleeding. I gave up and abandoned all my


He ran to the car. Suddenly, a speedy car hit him, and speeded off. I was in a complete state

of shock. The thief was wounded. He was shouting HELP!!! I couldn’t stop myself from helping

him. I put him into the car, and took him to the hospital. He was badly injured..

After treatment when he got conscious. He owed an apology. He was really sorry for what

he did. He promised me that he’ll never go back to his previous life (his life as a thief) and that

he’ll have a new beginning of his life as a completely changed person.

That day I got something, violence can never finish violence only love can do that, blood can

never wash blood only water can do that. I changed his life. And now he has begun his life as a

totally changed person. And I’m really thankful to God for giving me this opportunity.