Wednesday 31 August 2016

Mekong Cruise

We boarded the boat in Chiang Rai. A woman named Anh sat on the bow and paddled. We moved slowly down a narrow canal that led out to the Mekong River.
We woke the next day in Huay Xay. From there we boarded a larger boat and moved east. We passed by hundreds of Buddhist monks dressed in bright orange robes.
The next stop was Pak Beng. There we saw herds of elephants moving freely along the water.
Days passed, and we arrived at Pak Ou. We got off the boat and stretched our legs. We spent the day exploring a number of wondrous caves.
After nine days on the boat, we arrived in Kuang Si. We took a short hike into the jungle. We ended the trip with a day of sun and swimming in the waterfalls found there.

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