Thursday 9 March 2017

How to write an effective essay in English

I had habit of going for tea in the nearby teashop before going

to college. one day I was getting ready for college and my younger

sister wake up and she said that she wants to go with me for tea.I

refused her but she insisted me that she wants to go and after that she

started crying loudly .I can’t see tears in her eyes then I agreed and she

was very excited at that time she got ready and we went for a teashop.

She was very happy and I didn’t see that smile on her face before that. I

asked her if she wanted to eat something. She said that she wants to

eat muffins then I said OK sit here l am going to order muffins for you.

She said ok. Then when I returned back she was not there. I was

shocked at that time. I got nervous and I searched here and there but I

didn’t find her. I was worst experience of my life and I can’t forget it

then suddenly I saw that she was playing with a baby then I relaxed and

asked her why she came here .she replied that baby was weeping so I

came here then I said OK and next time don’t go anywhere without

telling me. Then she ate muffins and in this incident I felt my mistake

that I should not left her alone because she is little and didn’t

understand the ups and downs of life. I am very thankful to God for

keeping her safe otherwise I can never forgive my self. Then we

returned home.

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