Thursday 9 March 2017

Write an effective paragraph

        One day I was suffering from fever and the temperature was high my condition was not good .My mother took me to doctor and he gave me medicine and advised me to take with milk .we came back to home and then some guests came in my house and my mother got busy in their hospitality and forget about me. I was lying in the bed and nobody was near me. My condition was very bad. I was feeling weakness and I didn’t any thing and l saw a envelope of medicine on my side table I thought it is my medicine so I took it and after 15 minutes my condition was unbearable and
red small pimples appeared and on my skin .I was feeling dizzying then my mother came and she was in worry and tension when she saw me in that situation then she took me to hospital and doctor checked me completely and told my mother that she took wrong medicine that effected her. Then mother remembered her mistake and said that this all happened due to my negligence so thank God I got normal and we went to home.

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