Thursday 9 March 2017

Effective essay writing 2017

One year ago, I suffered from flu and fever. It was not a big deal. I just gave my appliction for two days in college and decided to take rest at home without knowing what was going to happen with me. I reached home told my mum about my sickness. She asked me to take rest and after some time she brought glass of milk and biscuits for me. I took them. She asked me to take medicines which were in medcal box. I told her I was no more a child I would take them on time. After some time I opened medical box and took the medicine without any care if I was taking the right one. Two more hours passed but I did not feel any improvement in my condition rather I felt pain in my stomach which was increasing as time was passing. I slept for some time. When I woke up I was not  well. With flu and fever there was severe pain in my stomach which was spreading in whole abdomen. I could not understand what was happening to me. At night, I again took the same medicine.  In morning, the condition was same. With flu and fever now I was suffereing great pain in abdomen. I was surprised. My mum asked me about my health. I did not tell her anything and keeping continue taking the same medicine. The whole day was so uncomfortable. I decided to consult a doctor but it was a big task for me because I did not have power to go to him. That day passed. At night I slept. As I remembered it was mid of night when I got up because of pain in  my stomach. I felt dizzines and room was spinning rapidly. As time was passing, pain was increasing at the point came where it cannot be tolerated. I told my mum and she took me to doctor. Doctor asked some questions.I told him everything. He asked me the name of medicine that I had been taking. As I told him the name he started laughing. His laughter amazed us. Mum asked him reason of lughing. Then he told with smile on his face that I had been taking the medicine of pain in back bone. As there was not pain in my back bone it did not affect but its side effect was pain in stomach. Then I remembered my father had backache and he used to take medicine but he never had more than one in a day. Then I got what was happening to me and why. Doctor strictly forbade me from self medication. Mum scolded me harshly. At that time I was feeling so bad but after some days when I got well, we enjoyed my this foolishness.  Even today my family members made fun of me remembering me that incident.

How to write an essay 2017

I had habit of going for tea in the nearby teashop before going to college. one day I was getting ready for college and my younger sister wake up and she said that she wants to go with me for tea.I refused her but she insisted me that she wants to go and after that she started crying loudly .I can’t see tears in her eyes then I agreed and she was very excited at that time she got ready and we went for a tea shop. She was very happy and I didn’t see that smile on her face before that. I asked her if she wanted to eat something. She said that she wants to eat muffins then I said OK sit here l am going to order muffins for you. She said ok. Then when I returned back she was not there. I was shocked at that time. I got nervous and I searched here and there but I didn’t find her. I was worst experience of my life and I can’t forget it then suddenly I saw that she was playing with a baby then I relaxed and asked her why she came here .she replied that baby was weeping so I came here then I said OK and next time don’t go anywhere without telling me. Then she ate muffins and in this incident I felt my mistake that I should not left her alone because she is little and didn’t understand the ups and downs of life. I am very thankful to God for

keeping her safe otherwise I can never forgive my self. Then we
returned home.

Effective essay writing 2017

Every thing in the world has two aspects it depends on us that how we
 use it or either we would choose the beneficial thing. God has blessed
 every man with great wisdom and sense All the great man in the world
 get progress due to his wisdom .A person become more creative when
 idea come to his mind and he wants to do something special in the
 world .When a person want to achieve something and be determine
 with his passion then one day he will get success. One aspect of
 loneliness is that it leads a person life into darkness and disperse. If a
person get disappointed due to any reason then he adopts loneliness
and he wants to remain there and he wants to spend his whole life
there .The other aspect of loneliness is that it leads a person to world of
imagination and creativity. When a person ponders on something it
reveals the entire structure of that thing and this give us new idea and
new thinking about that thing. If we think about nature then we will be
strange that how all these things came into being and we all human
beings were created by God. All the scientists got new ideas in
loneliness and get fame in the entire world and this is the positive way
of thinking and this thing give us benefit and if we use our energies in
positive and fruitful way then one day we will reach at mountains top
and we can get fame in whole world .The universe is very vast and we
can ponderous on any aspect of universe .