Showing posts with label google adsense in pakistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google adsense in pakistan. Show all posts

Thursday 14 July 2016

How to get adsense approve account 2016

How to get Google Adsense account approved in Pakistan 

is the most important question to be asked by thousands of people these days. Each person in Pakistan, which are linked to online businesses know the importance of Google Adsense. This is the dream of every website owner and blog for approval by Google Adsense to earn a handsome amount. But the problem is that the approval of an AdSense account is much more a difficult task because of the very strict AdSense policies. Google Adsense has special and very strict policies for Asian countries. If you were not able to get AdSense account and then out here the top 10 alternatives to Google Adsense to earn a reasonable income.Found in most sites / blogs Pakistani and hardworking, skilled owners and professionals who day and night are dedicated to improve sites / blogs but become very disappointed when applied to Google Adsense and denied their request, saying that "the site is not compliant with our policies" or "do not have enough of their content / quality" to win approval in the AdSense program. What it did not happen as Google Adsense account and agreed to disable and then, after a few days
Google values ​​the Adsence approved one of the main causes of rejection account Google AdSense in countries like Pakistan and India is that there are countless spammers in Pakistan, who designed the site only for the purpose of Google Adsense account and then sell this place to others. Initially AdSense account works well on these sites, but once the tools Adsense, such as specific errors "Panda" and lower quality / Wright copy material on the site, Google immediately disable the account declared site list black. Do not forget that Google Adsense is a program that millions are becoming increasingly popular with each passing minute and the team behind him is the ablest versatile so you can not fool them at all elsewhere, too read the top 12 reasons Google Adsense account is disabled here.

Never buy an account of Google Adsense in Pakistan:

Remember that Google AdSense account free of charge provided by the company on the Internet that Google has some program requirements. If you follow the instructions exactly and policies Adsense and site management according to the terms of reference issued by Google, so there's no reason your website / blog rejected (Click here for the 10 best tips and tricks for bloggers). At the same time business selling account Google Adsense is increasingly common in Pakistan. What these people are doing? Create a blog and put some quality content taken from the famous directories like or and apply for Adsense and therefore get approved by Adsense and others sell for thousands of rupees. In the early days of this AdSense account and works regularly shows his victory, but soon this disabled account is achieved. So our topic even though the way to get the account Google Adsense in Pakistan approved but believe mandatory to mean people should never buy an AdSense account from Google in Pakistan by any means nothing without wasting precious time. Now we will share with visitors dear to how they can have their approved AdSense account in Pakistan with tips and instructions:

The first is that you should buy the scope of a high level of reputable companies webhosted this or You can also buy a series of works webhosted locally in your area, but should be very aware of the quality and services of this hosted company. If you buy a range of low or companies of the United Nations and reputed then be less likely to get approval AdSense account, or if somehow I was able to pass soon will be disabled when traffic to its increased website site performance will not be good due to the low speed of the server.
The material must be of your website / blog specific, targeted approach page, and in the case of low-quality content from your web / blog site can be extinguished with an AdSense account.
You must design your blog / site is excellent, especially the navigation should be clear and easy to see the readers.
Should be the subject installed on your website instead bonus free theme as it will show the amount of your intentions that you are serious about earning online, especially with Adsense.
If you want to win with free blogs, then there is no substitute for Google property and prefer to blog comes from bloggers instead of texts or other platform.
According to the policy requirements of Google should be the age of your site / web blog 6 months at least. The main reason is that your site gets its name and quality in popular search engines in six months, even when the application Adsense able to account easily.
As the site owner to make a big mistake, as the applicability account with a name and a different address as the location with the name and address of another time it is recorded. It is recommended that should be a personal domain name and address registration and provide the same data as is to be applied to the account.
Traffic to your website should be at least 300-400 unique visitors a day. It has been said that Google Adsense dons't requires traffic! How could it be possible to win traffic, according to traffic needs of your website should receive between 300 and 400 visitors at least. Moreover traffic to your website should be organic and paid Google hates movement. Google has not issued with referral traffic, but if the vast majority of traffic is search engines for approval.
There is a possibility that you can not get approval at the first attempt in Pakistan in this case should be applied after at least 4-5 days, and you have to eliminate all errors identified by the approval team.
Read all terms and conditions, including Google Adsense policies, although it takes a full day.