Tuesday 8 December 2015



Gamma rays are considered the death rays.

Gamma rays travel with the velocity of light

Gamma rays have maximum penetrating power

Shortest wavelength among alpha, beta and gamma is of gamma rays

Laser rays are used in micro surgery

Alpha radiations produce burns on human body

Newton proved that sunlight consists of different colors

Beta rays are fast moving electrons.

Color with shortest wavelength is Blue

Violet have shortest wave length and Red has longest wavelength (vibgyor)

Red light’s wave length is 11800 waves/cm (< infra red)

Least deviated color in prism is red

Greatest deviated color in prism is indigo (chk violet)

Violet light’s wave length is 23600 waves/cm (> ultra violet)

Ultraviolet rays are less than 3000 deg: A

Greatest value of wavelength is of infra red

Visible waves are between 400-700 nanometers.

MOTE = Million Tons of oil equivalent

REM = Roentgen equivalent in man

Transverse waves can only be produced in solids

Longitudinal waves can be produced in solids, liquids and gases

On passing thought food stuff, x-ray can kill bacteria

Violet color of light t ravel thought glass with minimum speed

There is no wavelength of light for color brown.

White light is a mixture of all the colors in the rainbow.

Blue has the shortest wavelength and red the longest.

Radio waves also come from sun and outer space. Astronomers use radio telescope to hear them.

Radar uses microwaves.

Anything that is warm produces infrared waves including us. The hotter the thing the more IR.

Infrared waves are used in TV remote control.

X-rays have shorter wavelength and more energy than ultraviolet rays.

Gamma rays come from radioactive materials. They are used to kill cancers.

Without exposure to ultraviolet light our bodies would not be able to make vitamin D.

UHF, ultra high frequency are radio waves used for TV broadcast

Microwaves are used in radar, mobile phones, microwave oven, communication network

Each light color is of different wavelength.

Red light has the longest wavelength while violet light has the shortest.

Waves with a longer wavelength than red light are invisible they are called infrared waves.

Invisible Ultraviolet wave have wavelength shorter than violet light.

Red, Blue, Green are prime colors.

Red + Blue + Green = white

The wavelength of visible light is between 1350-2500

An object that reflects all the light looks white.

Loud speaker converts electrical energy into sound energy.

Light coloured clothes are generally worn in summer

The electrical device which transform voltage : transformer

A nuclear reaction in which two or more than two lighter nuclear are fused together to form a relatively heavier one : nuclear fusion

The three colours combination which produces the sensation of white light : Red green and blue

The clear sky looks blue because of dispersion of light

When light waves travel from air to glass the wavelength and velocity variables are affected.

Electrical lines of forces are imaginary.

Frequency distinguishes ultrasound from normal audible sound. Its f > 20,000 Hz.

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