Al-sidq al-sarih - they say this means a genuine belief in the khususiyyah of your Shaykh. They say the student's grasp of the secret of his Shaykh depends on the degree of his sincere belief in him. There is no progress in the tariq without this properly considered and properly thought-out perception of one's Shaykh.
Al-adab al-mardiyyah - Pleasing courtesy,
Al-ahwal al-zakiyyah - Pure states,
Hifdh al-hurmah - Protection of the honour of people,
Husn al-khidmah - Excellence of service,
Raf' al-himmah - This means more "highness of one's goal or aim" as opposed to "lower aims". The aim of the murid should be focused on knowledge of Allah rather than achieving worldly dreams or other purposes.
Nufudh al-'azimah - Determination to attain fulfilment.