Showing posts with label google adsense. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google adsense. Show all posts

Thursday, 14 July 2016

How to get adsense approve account 2016

How to get Google Adsense account approved in Pakistan 

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The first is that you should buy the scope of a high level of reputable companies webhosted this or You can also buy a series of works webhosted locally in your area, but should be very aware of the quality and services of this hosted company. If you buy a range of low or companies of the United Nations and reputed then be less likely to get approval AdSense account, or if somehow I was able to pass soon will be disabled when traffic to its increased website site performance will not be good due to the low speed of the server.
The material must be of your website / blog specific, targeted approach page, and in the case of low-quality content from your web / blog site can be extinguished with an AdSense account.
You must design your blog / site is excellent, especially the navigation should be clear and easy to see the readers.
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If you want to win with free blogs, then there is no substitute for Google property and prefer to blog comes from bloggers instead of texts or other platform.
According to the policy requirements of Google should be the age of your site / web blog 6 months at least. The main reason is that your site gets its name and quality in popular search engines in six months, even when the application Adsense able to account easily.
As the site owner to make a big mistake, as the applicability account with a name and a different address as the location with the name and address of another time it is recorded. It is recommended that should be a personal domain name and address registration and provide the same data as is to be applied to the account.
Traffic to your website should be at least 300-400 unique visitors a day. It has been said that Google Adsense dons't requires traffic! How could it be possible to win traffic, according to traffic needs of your website should receive between 300 and 400 visitors at least. Moreover traffic to your website should be organic and paid Google hates movement. Google has not issued with referral traffic, but if the vast majority of traffic is search engines for approval.
There is a possibility that you can not get approval at the first attempt in Pakistan in this case should be applied after at least 4-5 days, and you have to eliminate all errors identified by the approval team.
Read all terms and conditions, including Google Adsense policies, although it takes a full day.

Sunday, 10 July 2016

Article about earning

INTRODUCTION This chapter examines the effects of education on particular dimensions
of the income derived from labor force (market) activity,
where education is viewed as an investment in the stock of human
skills or the formation of human "capital." Education can affect
earnings rates or earnings per unit period of time worked; it can
affect labor force participation, especially at different stages of the
life cycle; and it can affect the amounts of time worked as reflected
by the frequency and duration of unemployment and part-time
The first part of the chapter is a summary of recently completed
research' on the relation between the distribution of earnings and
the distribution of investments in human capital, including both
time and resources used to obtain formal schooling and postschool
training on the job. The empirical analysis deals with annual earnings
of males, classified by education and age.
In the second part of the chapter, the effects of human capital
investment on the distribution of employment are examined. These
effects are of some importance for the analysis of annual earnings,
since the latter are affected not only by rates of pay per unit of time
but also by the amount of time (hours and weeks) worked. The
employment effects are viewed as consequences of demand and
supply factors, which create individual and group differences in
labor force participation and in unemployment.
The third part of the chapter discusses the effects of secular
trends in education on the structure and inequality of both individual
and family income. The educational trends also contribute to
changes in the composition of the labor force that influence the
distribution of family income. In general, the first part of the chap-
'Parts of this chapter draw heavily on the summary chapter of my forthcoming
NBER monograph.
Education, income, and human behavior 72
ter deals with research that has been completed, whereas the second
and third parts report on research still in progress.
HUMAN A great deal of work on the subject of human capital is devoted to
CAPITAL the estimation of profitabilities, volumes, and forms of investment.
DISTRIBUTION Empirical calculations are based on comparisons of earnings of
workers with differing amounts invested in their human capital.
Such calculations follow from the underlying theory that postulates
a positive relation between accumulated investments and earnings.
The positive and normative importance of the estimated parameters
of investment behavior clearly hinges on the degree to which the
assumed relation is indeed operative. If the relation between human
capital and earnings is a strong one, it should serve as a primary
tool for analyzing the structure of earnings and for understanding
existing inequalities in labor incomes.
As yet, empirical analyses of income distribution have relied on
human capital models only superficially. Direct attempts to relate
individual earnings to investments measured in years of schooling
show rather weak correlations. The weight attached to human capital
analysis cannot rest on such seemingly fragile grounds.2
It is important to recognize that schooling is not the only type of
investment in human capital, though it is an important early stage
in the life cycle of self-investments. Previous estimates (Mincer,
1962) suggest that in terms of costs, the postschool investments of
workers who are fully attached to the labor force are not smaller
than their schooling investments. Hence the gross relation between
schooling and earnings does not adequately represent the human
capital earnings function, and this is one reason for the weak
empirical correlations.
If we think in life-cycle stages, or contexts in which human capital
is built up, the earnings function should include preschool (home)
and postschool (job) investments in addition to schooling.3 In my
NBER study (Mincer, 1974) the earnings function was specified to
include schooling and postschool investments. Effects of preschool
investments were perforce relegated to the unexplained, residual
2 scientific practice requires that we not mislabel the ignorance of investiga.
tors as "luck" of income recipients.
3In reality, the "stages" can and do overlap. The empirical specification of preschool
investment requires information on the quantity and quality of the time
and other resources parents devote to the upbringing of their children, before or
outside formal schooling.
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 73
category. To the extent that preschool investments are positively
related to schooling and postschool investments, the role of the
latter may be exaggerated by the present analysis.
The first task of the study was to derive and estimate the relation
between earnings and the accumulated investments in human capital
of workers. This human capital earnings function was then
applied to answer two questions: (1) How much of the existing inequality
in the distribution of labor income can be attributed to
individual differences in investment in human capital? (2) Can the
intricate yet rather stable patterns of the earnings structure be
understood in terms of the behavior of human capital investment?4
Though far from precise or complete, the following answers are
suggested by the analysis: About 60 percent of the inequality of
distribution in the 1959 annual earnings of white urban males can
be attributed to the distribution of investments in human capital.
Over periods longer than one year, the explanatory power of human
capital is likely to be greater. A great deal of the observed structure
of earnings is rendered intelligible by the investment analysis,
though it is not uniquely predicted by it.5
The summary presented below is by no means comprehensive,
nor does the exposition follow the sequence or methods of the analysis.
The findings are described broadly and somewhat selectively
in terms of the three research objectives of the study.
The If completion of schooling meant completion of investment in human
capital, the earnings function would be approximately estimated
by a simple regression of earnings (in logs) on years of
schooling.6 As the present study indicates, the observed correlation
using this "schooling model" is rather weak. Variation in earnings
associated with age is not captured by the schooling model and is, in
part, responsible for the low correlation. Though age can be viewed
as an inherent depreciation phenomenon in the human capital
4Earnings structure refers to the distribution of aggregate earnings and its pattition
into schooling and age subgroups. Patterns refers to the comparative sets of
means and variances and the shapes of the component and aggregate distributions
of earnings.
5A11 these findings are derived from the data of the 1/1,000 sample of the 1960
United States census of population. The sample contains individual information
for over 30,000 white urban males less than 65 years of age who had some
earnings in 1959.
6A formal derivation of this result dates back to my unpublished Ph.D. thesis
(Mincer, 1957). See also Mincer (1970, Eq. (la), p. 7).
Education, income, and human behavior 74
terminology, the growth of earnings with age is ultimately interpreted
in the human capital model as being a consequence of
continued net self-investment activities after the completion of
The theory predicts that investments are concentrated at younger
ages, but continue at a diminishing rate throughout much of a person's
working life. Because of increasing marginal costs, investments
are not incurred all at once in a short period; they are staggered
over time and decline continuously — both because benefits
decline as the payoff period shortens and because opportunity costs
are likely to rise with experience. This is true of gross as well as net
Since earnings are a return on cumulated net investments, they
also rise at a diminishing rate over the working life and decline
when net investment becomes negative, as in old age. The typical
FIGURE 3-I Annual earnings of white non farm males, 1959
Age profiles of earnings
Ratio scale
12 20 30 40
50 60 70
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 75
(logarithmic) working-life earnings profile is therefore concave, as
illustrated in Figure 3-1. Its rate of growth is a positive function of
the amount invested and of the rate of return. Its degree of concavity
depends on how rapidly investments decline over time. In effect,
the earnings profile is directly proportional to the cumulated investment
profile. The magnitude of the cumulated investment is not
observable, but is a concave function of experience. Hence, to expand
the schooling model into a more complete earnings function,
the linear schooling term must be augmented by a nonlinear, concave,
years-of-experience term.
This function can be applied in multiple regression analysis to
earnings data of individuals who differ in both schooling and age.
Although age is not the same as work experience, the latter can be
estimated as actual age minus estimated age at completion of
schooling (shown in the right panel of Figure 3-1). Clearly, direct
FIGURE 3.1 (contInued)
SOURCE: Mincer (1974, Chart 4. p. 68).
15,000 Experience profiles of earnings
I 2,000
1,000 Ratio scale
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Years of experience
Education, income, and human behavior 76
information on experience is necessary for specifying earnings functions
of individuals whose attachment to the labor force is not
The form of the earnings function is also of interest. It can be
fitted either to dollar earnings or to logs of earnings. In part, this
choice depends on whether the focus of interest is on absolute or
relative earnings inequalities. However, if dollar values are used,
investment variables (schooling and experience) must also be expressed
in dollar terms. If they are recorded in units of time—years
of schooling and years of experience — the dependent variable, earnings,
must be expressed in logs. Given the data restrictions and the
focus of interest of this chapter, the logarithmic formulation was
used here. Another choice concerns postschool investment as a
function of time. Here there is no guidance from theory, except that
annual installments of postschool investment—and, a fortiori,
their "time equivalents"8—must decline over the working life. A
given form of the investment time profile implies a particular form
of the earnings profile. To take the two simplest forms, a linear
investment decline implies a parabolic experience function, while
an exponential decline of investment ratios gives rise to a type of
Gompertz function. The latter yields a somewhat better fit, though
such discrimination is rather weak. For the Gompertz curve, a nondeclining
earnings profile is required —a condition that is satisfied
if data are restricted to four decades of working life and to weekly
(or hourly) earnings. These conditions are fulfilled in the empirical
analyses of annual earnings when weeks worked during the year
are used as a standardizing variable.
The two forms of the human capital earnings function used in the
analysis are the logarithmic parabola (P) and the Gompertz curve
i,,— rp Øt27..t
lnE0+ — efit)
where is gross annual earnings of a worker with s years of
schooling and t years of work experience; r3 and are rates of re-
7Analysis of female earnings demonstrates dramatically that it is experience
rather than age that matters. See Malkiel and Malkiel (1971) and Mincer and
Polachek (1973).
equivalent is the ratio of investment costs to gross earnings. Gross
earnings include investment expenditures.
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 77
turn on schooling and postschool investments, respectively; 1e0 is
the investment-income ratio at the start of work experience; /3 is the
annual decline of this ratio; and T is the positive net investment
In principle, the earnings function represents a unification of
analyses of investment parameters and of income distribution. It
provides an analytical expression for the earnings profile as an
individual growth curve. Its coefficients are estimates of rates of
return and volumes of investment. At the same time, the coefficient
of determination of the multiple regression measures the fraction of
total earnings inequality (variance of logs) attributable to the measured
distribution of investments in human capital.
Note that, in contrast to conventional procedures, the regression
procedure for the earnings function makes possible the separation
of estimates of rates of return to schooling from the rates on other
investment activities. Although in the empirical work, estimates of
the rate of return to schooling are produced unambiguously, this is
not true of the rate on postschool investments. Rough tests of the
difference between these parameters are possible, however, and at
the aggregative level of information used here, the null hypothesis
of no difference cannot be rejected. Tests can also be performed on
the question: Are rates of return different at different schooling
levels? The results indicate that rates decline as schooling level
rises, although this is not true when hourly or weekly rather than
annual earnings are considered.
The earnings function approach also makes it possible to study
the relation between schooling and postschool investments. In
dollar volumes, the relation is found to be positive. This finding is
consistent with a notion of complementarity between the two investment
forms, but it does not prove it. The positive correlation may
mean simply that in comparing individual lifetime investment
programs, the scale of investment varies more than its composition.
Logically, individuals should substitute one form of investment for
the other, given the comparative advantages of the two forms of
investment and a differing relative price structure for each. Yet,
because of similar ability and opportunity constraints in schooling
and in job training, individuals tend to invest more or less in both.
Evidently, scale effects outweigh the substitution effects.
It should be noted that although the more educated put more
resources into postschool investments, they do not spend more time
at it. The investment-earnings ratio would measure the amount of
time (in years) spent in investment (training) activity, provided only
Education, income, and human behavior 78
expenditures of time were involved. On the average, the correlation
between time equivalents (investment-earnings ratios) of school and
postschool investments appears to be negligible. The opportunity
cost of an hour is, of course, greater at higher levels of schooling;
hence the positive correlation between dollar volumes of investment
when time volumes are uncorrelated.
The Gompertz curve is a familiar empirical representation of
industrial growth. That it fits an individual growth curve is no mere
coincidence, since the staggered investment interpretation is suitable
in both cases. There is a widespread view that differs with this
interpretation of individual earnings growth. According to this
view, the individual earnings curve is intrinsically an age phenomenon;
it reflects productivity changes due to inherent biological and
psychological maturation, leveling off early and declining much
later because of declining physical and intellectual vigor.
There is evidence, however, to indicate that this inherent age
factor affects earnings only to a minor degree. In data where age
and work experience are statistically separable, the earnings curve
is found to be mainly a function of experience, not of age, in terms of
both its location in the life cycle and the sizes and signs of its growth
rates. Earnings profiles differ by occupation, sex, and color in systematic
ways not attributable to the phenomena of aging. What is
sometimes thought to be an alternative interpretation of experience
as learning and of the earnings profiles as "learning curves" is not
at all inconsistent with the human capital investment interpretation,
provided it is agreed that learning in the labor market is not
costless. Even if there exist apparently costless differential opportunities
for "learning by doing" among jobs, competition tends to
equalize the net returns, thereby imposing opportunity costs on
such learning.
Accounting As noted before, if only years of schooling are used in the earnings
fOr Income Inequality function, the correlation between years of schooling and log-earnings
of males of working age is less than 10 percent. This does not
mean, however, that schooling is unimportant. In part, the correlation
is low because direct costs in schooling and related quality
aspects of education are not well measured by a mere counting of
school years. Moreover, the effects of postschool investments, when
not explicitly specified, obscure the effects of schooling on earnings.
If postschool investments are important and differ among individuals,
the distribution of earnings will be increasingly affected by
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 79
returns to accumulating postschool investments as the number of
years of experience increases. If postschool investments are not
strongly correlated with schooling, the correlation between schooling
and earnings will continuously decline with the passage of years
of experience. In fact, the correlation between time equivalents (for
a definition, see footnote 8) of school and postschool investment
is weak, and the correlation between log-earnings and years of
schooling declines continuously after reaching an initially strong
coefficient of determination of one-third before the first decade of —
experience is over.
Theoretically, the correlation between earnings and schooling
would be highest at the outset of work experience, if postschool
investment costs were included as part of income. Although such
initial gross earnings are not observable, the distribution of observed
net earnings six to nine years later is likely to resemble the
distribution of initial gross earnings. Net earnings are less than
gross earnings, but both rise as postschool investments cumulate.
After some years, therefore, net earnings begin to exceed the level of
initial gross earnings. This "overtaking point" is reached after, at
most, hr years of experience, where r is the rate of return to postschool
investments. Hence, this point is reached before the first
decade of experience is over. This is also the approximate time when
we observe the highest correlation between earnings and schooling.
The coefficient of determination (.33) between schooling and
earnings within the overtaking subset of the earnings distribution
represents an estimate of the fraction of earnings inequality that
is attributable to differences in years of schooling, since earnings
are then least affected by postschool investments. The inequality
of earnings at overtaking is about 75 percent of aggregate inequality,
which suggests that the distribution of schooling accounts for
25 percent of the total variance (.33 X .75). Fifty percent of aggregate
inequality, measured by the variance of logs of annual
earnings, is attributable to the joint distributions of schooling and
postschool investments.9 The 50 percent figure is an understatement,
however, since actual rather than time-equivalent years of
schooling were used. The actual count of years fails to reflect either
9The aggregate log-variance of earnings in 1959 was .68. It was .51 in the overtaking
set. The residual variance from the regression of log-earnings on schooling
was .34 in the overtaking set. On the assumption of homoscedasticity of
residuals from the earnings function, the "explained" variance in the aggregate
is (.68 — .34) .34, which is half of total inequality.
Education, income, and human behavior 80
the variation in expenditures of time and money among students
attending schools of the same quality or quality differences among
schools. An upward correction of the variance of schooling investments
to take account of such individual differences raises the
explanatory power of schooling to about one-third of the aggregate
and raises the joint effects of school and postschool investments
to about 60 percent.
These conclusions are based on econometric analyses in which
the earnings function was fitted to the microdata of the 1/1,000
sample (Mincer, 1974, Table 10). Even with the use of only two
variables—years of schooling and years of experience, where
years of schooling are unadjusted for quality and time equivalents
of experience are assumed the same for all persons — the explanatory
power of the earnings function compares favorably with resuits
of statistical studies of comparable microdata that employ
a large number of explanatory variables on a more or less ad hoc
It appears that the substantive conclusions about the quantitative
and qualitative importance of human capital investments
in the distribution of earnings are not much affected when the
population coverage is expanded from white urban males to all
males in 1959 or is changed from (male) persons to family units.
The Earnings Several prominent features of the "skill" (schooling and experience)
Structure structure of earnings appear rather stable in temporal and regional
comparisons. Aggregative skewness and the growth of inequality
with age are the best known. To these we may add patterns of
variances and patterns of age profiles of variances within schooling
groups which are less familiar and perhaps also less stable.
None of these features is inevitable. Yet—perhaps surprisingly,
given the human capital model—they all can be explained by the
correlation between the stock of human capital at any stage in
the life cycle and the volume of subsequent investment. That this
correlation is positive in dollar terms is understandable if individual
differences in ability and opportunity affecting investment behavior
tend to persist over much of the life cycle. The positive correlation
between schooling and postschool investment is an example of
such behavior.
Several implications of this positive correlation in dollar terms
10 See, for example, Jencks et al. (1972).
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 81
are observable. Dollar profiles of earnings "fan out" with experience
and, a fortiori, with age, both across and within school groups.
Dollar variances therefore increase with experience and with age.
Similarly, because the dispersion of dollar schooling costs increases
with the level of schooling, variances of earnings increase with level
of schooling. Since mean earnings increase with age and with
schooling, there is a positive correlation between means and variances
in age and schooling subgroups of the earnings distribution.
This correlation contributes to the appearance of positive skewness
in the aggregate earnings distribution. This factor is independent
of, and in a way more basic than, the shape of the distribution of
schooling, which also contributes to the positive skewness of earnings.
The change in the distribution of schooling from a positive
to a negative skew during the past two decades implies that the
distribution of schooling is no longer an important factor in explaining
the persistence of positive skewness in the distribution
of earnings. Indeed, the 1959 distribution of earnings at the overtaking
stage of the life cycle is no longer skewed. The aggregate
distribution, however, remains positively skewed.
If we define relative skill differentials in wages by percentage
differentials in wage rates among schooling groups at comparable
years of experience, we find that these are practically invariant
over the working life. Since the logarithmic experience profiles of
wages are concave, this finding implies that relative wage differentials
among schooling groups increase with age. However, within
schooling groups, relative wage differentials, measured by variances
of logs, show different profiles depending on the level of
schooling. As Figure 3-2 shows, the experience profile is clearly
U-shaped for the high school group, which is at the center of the
schooling distribution. The profile for the group with higher schooling
mainly increases, whereas the profile for the lower schooling
group decreases and becomes approximately horizontal.
It can be shown (Mincer, 1974, Part II, Ch. 4) that both the intergroup
wage differentials and the inequality patterns within the
middle levels of schooling reflect a negligible correlation between
postschool earning capacity and time-equivalent postschool investment.
The same absence of correlation underlies the previously
noted invariance of experience profiles of relative wage differentials
among schooling groups. The phenomenon arises if experience
profiles of postschool investments, in time-equivalent units, are
not systematically different among schooling groups. Put another
Education, income, and human behavior 82
FIGURE 3-2 ExperIence profiles of log-variances of 1959 earnIngs of males
(schooling groups: 8, 12, 16)
1.1 IN
1.0 / 16
es n 0.7
0.2 8
0.1 -
0 2 5 8 11 14 17 20 23 26 29 32 35 38 41 44 47 50
Years of experience
SOURCE: Mincer (1974, Chart 6.2, p. 104).
way, it arises when the elasticity of postschool investments (in
dollars) with respect to postschool earning capacity is, on the average,
unitary. At the same time, the correlation between postschool
investments and earning capacity, and the corresponding elasticity,
apparently increases with schooling level.
The central tendency of the elasticities and the systematic positive
relation between schooling level and elasticity of investment
with respect to earning capacity raise questions for further research.
In this connection, it is noteworthy and suggestive that very similar
patterns are found in studying the consumption function. The "longrun"
elasticity of saving with respect to income is not clearly different
from unity, and the "short-run" or cross-sectional elasticity
increases with schooling level (see the chapter by Solmon in this
The differential patterns of log-variances by schooling level can
also be analyzed by age. The ranking of log-variances of earnings
is to schooling level at young ages and positive at older
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 83
ages. Also, the age-schooling profiles of absolute and relative wage
distributions aggregate to the well-known "leptokurtic" shape,
with a skewness that is positive in dollars and negative in logarithms.
Together with some observation on correlations of earnings
of respondents in a 1959 survey of a Consumers Union panel,'1 the
distinctive profiles of relative variances constitute strong evidence
for the human capital theories and against the purely stochastic
theories of income distribution. Systematic rather than chance
variation is the dominarIt component of individual earnings histories
and of individual differences in earnings.
HUMAN The data show that the more educated and experienced workers
enjoy larger annual earnings than their less-skilled fellows for
DISTRIBUTION two reasons: Their wage rates per hour are higher, and the amount
EMPLOYMENT of time they spend in gainful employment during the year is greater.
Consequently, inequality in the distribution of annual earnings
exceeds the inequality in the distribution of wage rates.
Part of the individual variation in weeks and hours of work during
a given year is unrelated to human capital characteristics. Estimates
suggest, however, that as much as half of the variation can
be attributed to human capital differentials. Since close to onethird
of the inequality in annual earnings is attributable to the
distribution of time worked, about 15 percent can be ascribed to
effects of human capital on the distribution of employment. Though
this is a description of average effects in the male labor force, the
effects differ systematically by schooling and experience. In particular,
the relative importance of employment compared with that
of wage rate effects is greater at lower levels of schooling as well
as at older ages. At lower levels of schooling the impact of education
and job experience is about equally divided between gains in
wage rates and gains in employment stability. In contrast, the
effects at higher levels of education are accounted for largely by
gains in pay rates.'2
On the average, no more than half of the differences in time spent
in employment are due to unemployment. Differentials in labor
force participation and in unemployment are therefore of roughly
"Mincer (1974, Table 14). For a description of the data sources, see Juster (1964,
App. C).
12 long hours of work reported by some highly trained professionals such
as physicians and business executives are the well-known exceptions.
Education, income, and human behavior 84
equal importance in understanding the effects of human capital
on the distribution of employment.
Theoretically, the employment effects of human capital can originate
on both the demand and the supply sides of the labor market.
Of course, the demand-supply distinction is not to be equated with
the statistical categories of unemployment and of out-of-the-laborforce
status. For example, unemployment often originates in layoff,
but it also occurs in the course of job quitting and of labor force
entry or reentry.
Labor Supply Effects of education and other training on the amount of time mdi-
Effects viduals allocate to the labor market derive, in part, from the increase
in market earning power resulting from education. Education
may also affect the allocation of time by affecting tastes and productivities
in nonmarket activities. If education raises market earning
power more than it raises productivity in nonmarket activities,
the opportunity cost of nonmarket time increases —which to
increase the time devoted to earning activities. Against this, however,
must be balanced the resultant increase in income, which is
likely to increase the demand for consumption time or leisure. It
may be argued that lifetime income or wealth, rather than current
income, is the appropriate income variable in labor supply functions.
Wealth does not necessarily increase as a result of education,
even if wages increase. If the rate of return to investment in education
is equal to a competitive market interest rate, wealth is not
augmented by investment, and income effects are nil. If rates of
return are higher, wealth is increased, but at a rate lower than the
wage rate. 13 As long as rates of return are not exorbitant, substitution
effects may well dominate, resulting in more time devoted to
the labor market by the more educated and experienced workers.
In part, then, the longer hours per week and greater labor force
participation of the more educated may be explained by a possible
dominance of the substitution variable in the labor supply function,
that is, by their greater market earning power. Note that this is
not inconsistent with a "backward-bending" labor supply hypoth-
1311 w2 is the wage rate of a worker who has s2 years of schooling and if is
the wage rate of another worker who has years of schooling, a simple human
capital model suggests that in w2 — In w1 = r (s2 — s1), where r is the rate
of return to schooling. Let r = r0 + where r0 is the market rate. Then
In w2 — in = r0 (s2 — ) + (52 — Si ). The percentage increase
in wealth is given by the second term on the right. Therefore, the elasticity of
wealth with respect to the wage rate is 1.
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 85
esis, according to which hours of work are expected to decline if
wealth increases as rapidly as the wage rate. The latter condition
and the decline in hours are observed in historical time series, but
not in the cross-sectional education-related wage structure.
Essentially the same analysis applies to life-cycle changes in the
labor supply of individuals. With a wealth level that, on the average,
does not change much during the working life, hours of work and
labor force participation grow as the wage rate grows. When depreciation
begins to outstrip gross investment in human capital
as a consequence of aging and/or obsolescence, the wage rate begins
to decline. The decline in hours of work and in labor force
participation begins about that time also.'4
Since the work experience of more educated persons begins some
years later than that of persons with less education and since their
postschool investments are no smaller, it is not surprising that the
more educated retire later in life. Their much higher labor force
participation rate in later stages of life, such as in the 60-to-69
age group (B9wen & Finegan, 1969), is to a large extent simply
the obverse of their much lower market work rates at ages 15 to
24, when most of them are still in school. In other words, when
comparisons are made by years of experience rather than age, the
differences in participation rates are small throughout the working
In sum, labor supply functions may explain why hours of work
and labor force participation increase with education and why the
more educated retire later in life but do not have a longer working
life in terms of years. The observed positive correlation between
education and employment, however, does not prove the dominance
of substitution in cross-sectional labor supply functions, even if
the attenuation of income effects is true. Other factors which help
to account for the observed correlation are health differentials and
differences in demand conditions and in job turnover, to mention
a few. The empirical sorting out of these factors has barely begun.
A much stronger case for the labor supply hypothesis as an explanation
of education-associated differences in employment can
be made for the observed differences among women. Their strong
substitution responses in the allocation of time between market
and home are an accepted explanation of the historical growth of
'4The decline in hours precedes the decline in wage rates. Therefore, annual
earnings decline before wage rates do. A detailed analysis of these lags is contained
in current NBER research by Becker and Ghez (in press).
Education, income, and human behavior 86
the female labor force. The differences in hours and weeks of market
work among educational groups are much larger among women
than among men, but it does not appear that this is due to greater
health, demand, or job turnover differences among women with
different educational levels.
As shown in Figure 3-3, the age profiles of female labor force
participation rates are a great deal higher for more educated women.
In all groups, participation declines when family demand for
work at home increases: there are pronounced withdrawals from
the labor market in all educational groups when there arc young
children in the family. The interesting finding is that the more
educated women, who otherwise spend more time in the labor
market, reduce their market. work to take care of their children,
particularly their preschoolers, more than do women with less
If the quantity and opportunity cost of the mother's time, which
was shifted from market to home, represents dimensions of what I
15 findings are the focus of current research at NBER by Arleen Leibowitz.
See Chap. 7 in this volume.
FIGURE 3.3 EducatIon and labor force status of women, United States, 1960
a I
t It
0.5— I /
College 1-3 years
I 0.4
- High school \ \

•1 -
GO 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
SOURCE: Leibowitz (1972).
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 87
call "preschool" investments to human capital of children, these
findings may serve as an empirical basis for the expansion of the
human capital earnings function. The expanded function may contribute
to the explanation of phenomena such as the importance of
family background in children's school performance and the positive
correlation between the educational attainment of children and
that of their parents, particularly the mother. Whether these preschool
investments have an independent effect on earnings, beyond
affecting school attainment of the child, can be answered only
by the expanded human capital earnings function. In any case,
the greater earnings—and, presumably, also consumption capacities
—of children may be viewed in the family context as a part
of the return on the education of mothers. If so, the profitability
of educating women may be understated by inferring it from their
own earnings alone.
Unemployment The time workers supply to the labor market exceeds the actual
Differentials time they spend in employment by the amount of unemployment
they experience. In part, the reduced employment of the less educated
is attributable to the greater amount of unemployment they
In studying unemployment differentials, decisions of employers
and of workers must be considered. On the supply side, the greater
the frequency with which workers enter, reenter, and leave the
labor force or change jobs, the greater the frictional unemployment
they encounter in the process. Much of the unemployment of married
women and of students is attributable to their "dual job holding"
with frequent seasonal, and otherwise induced, mobility between
nonmarket and market activities. This inter-labor force
mobility is clearly a more important explanation of the inverse
relation between education and unemployment among women than
among men, since education has a stronger effect on labor force
attachment of women than of men.
On the demand side, differences in unemployment among education
and skill groups occur for several reasons:
Industries differ in the degree of skill and education of their work forces.
The volatility of demand for labor and the consequent labor turnover and
unemployment are, in part, related to the volatility of final consumer demand,
which differs by industry. For example, the demand for services
is more stable than the demand for durables, construction, and capital
Education, income, and human behavior 88
goods. On the whole, though the correlation is weak, the more educated
workers are employed in the more stable industries.
This correlation appears to be somewhat stronger for women than for
2 A more basic demand factor in creating skill differentials in unemployment
results from complementarity and substitution relations between labor
and capital in the production process. There is limited evidence, observed
in some sectors of the economy, that physical capital is more easily substitutable
for unskilled than skilled labor. If short-run fluctuations in output
are produced with relatively fixed physical capital, the employment of
unskilled labor must fluctuate more than that of skilled labor. Consequently,
the less educated in the labor force are observed to have higher
layoff rates and unemployment rates in the cross section and greater amplitudes
of them during the business cycle.
3 A third factor which operates jointly on the demand and supply side of
the labor market is the specificity of training and experience workers acquire
on the job. Employers invest resources in hiring, training, and experience
of employees to the extent that the resulting increases in productivity
are realized in their firms rather than elsewhere. In order to guard
against capital losses resulting from quits and layoffs, it is mutually advantageous
for employers and workers to share the cost of such investments
(Becker, 1964).
Specifically trained workers earn more than they would in alternative
employments, but less than their marginal products in the firm. Consequently,
such workers are more reluctant to quit, and their employers are
less inclined to lay them off. This structure of labor turnover implies reduced
frictional and, to some extent, cyclical unemployment. Insofar as
specific postschool investments are related to educational attainment, they
are a factor in the unemployment differentials observed by education.
Worker self-investments appear to increase roughly in proportion to investments
in schooling. This positive relation between schooling and postschool
investment can be explained by common selective factors of opportunity,
ability, and motivation. Employers, in turn, tend to invest more in the more
educated workers, either because specificity is more likely in more complex
jobs or because they think education confers a greater capacity and motivation
for training.
Though geographic mobility increases, quit rates diminish as education
increases. Both phenomena are consistent with the specific training hypothesis
and cannot be explained by capital complementarities. However, educational
differences in layoff rates and in length of job tenure with the same
employer are consistent with both hypotheses. It should be noted that
unemployment differentials implied by the complementarity hypothesis
are directly linked to education. Those resulting from specific training are
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 89
more properly attributed to specific postschool investments, not to school
4 Unemployment is affected not only by the incidence of job separation but
also by its duration; duration of unemployment is inversely related to education.
The probable reasons are the educated worker's greater efficiency
of search time and the employer's greater investment in finding him. The
greater efficiency is a result of greater incentives and capacity to acquire
information by using financial and other resources rather than one's own
time. The greater employer search cost reflects greater specificity of job
training at higher levels of schooling, as well as greater concern for individual
differences in worker quality.
5 The complementarity hypothesis suggests that in the process of economic
growth, defined by growth of physical capital per unit of labor, the demand
grows more rapidly for skilled labor than for unskilled labor. If the upgrading
of skills does not proceed rapidly enough, above-equilibrium rates
of return and greater-than-average unemployment at lower skill levels may
persist. Though rates of return to education apparently declined during
the first half of this century and remained roughly stable thereafter, there
is no clear evidence that education-related unemployment differentials have
shown any corresponding changes in the long run. The shortage of good
data inhibits strong statements, but these findings tend to cast doubt on
the notion of perennial skill shortages.
6 A variety of institutional factors may account for differences in unemployment
and labor force participation among educational groups. Minimum
wages on the demand side, and income maintenance programs on the supply
side, tend to price low-quality labor out of the market. Inexperienced
and uneducated workers whose market wage is less than the minimum
wage have higher unemployment and reduced labor force participation.
Income maintenance programs such as welfare payments and
old-age pensions under Social Security were designed to benefit
mainly the low-earning, usually least-educated population. A recognition
that these programs contained some disincentives to work
led to their liberalization; some additional earnings were allowed
without reducing benefits. One consequence of liberalization is an
increase in intermittent labor force participation, with attendant
frictional unemployment.
Seasonal workers are generally less skilled and educated than
the average worker. The unemployment compensation system
encourages seasonal work and converts the reported status of some
from "out of the labor force" to "unemployed." This does not necEducation,
income, and human behavior 90
essarily affect earnings, but it may do so if it converts employment
into unemployment by discouraging seasonal dovetailing.
In conclusion, it is worth noting, particuarly from a policy point
of view, that unless the complementarity hypothesis is of some
importance, the greater stability of employment of more educated
people is not directly attributed to schooling in this analysis, though
it is related to human capital investment and education in a broader
SECULAR The inequality in the distribution of earnings is affected primarily
EDUCATION by the dispersion in the amounts of human capital invested and
AND INCOME by the average magnitude and the dispersion in the rates of return. INEQUALITY If skills are measured by time equivalents of investment in human
capital, skill differentials in wages change in proportion to the
rates of return.'6 if the upgrading of skills persistently lagged behind
increasing demands, the rate of return would rise, whereas
improved capital markets, public subsidies, and consumptionmotivated
investment would tend to depress the rates.
The narrowing of income inequality over the first half of this
century is consistent with apparent declines in rates of return;'7
with increased income, which permitted financing and increased
consumption demands; and with the growth of publicly financed
education, primarily at lower levels of schooling. In the past two
decades the rate of return and inequality remained roughly stable,
even though the trends in income and public financing continued
to grow.18 The suggestion is implicit that there was a countervailing
growth of the demand for skills by industry.
Growth of schooling appears to be associated with a decline in
the dispersion and in the skewness of the distribution of schooling.
The latter is an arithmetic phenomenon due to a finite and often
'6Time-equivalent units are basically not comparable over time unless there is
no productivity growth in the creation of human capital. If productivity grows,
a unit (say, one year of schooling) today represents a larger increment of skill
than in the past.
If is difference in skill and if w2 and are the wage rates at higher and
lower skill levels, rate of return is
mw2 — mw1
fragmentary evidence, see Becker (1964, pp. 131—135).
of public financing to higher levels of schooling, however, may
widen inequality, as some recent research suggests.
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 91
legislated limit on years of schooling. The decreased dispersion in
the distribution of schooling may well be a lagged effect of the narrowing
inequality of parental income that was observed before
1950. It probably resulted also from governmental subsidies and
the spread of compulsory schooling, child labor laws, and minimum
wage laws, all of which shortened the lower tail of the schooling
distribution. The distribution of earnings within age groups in
current data reflects the effects of a mild secular narrowing in the
dispersion of schooling and of a stronger reduction in its skewness.
Aside from the change in the shape of the schooling distribution,
the continuing growth of education contributes to a reduced inequality
of earnings.
The meaning of the upward trends in education is that the level
of education is higher in young than in old age groups. This offsets,
in part, the age variation in earnings, which is due to the growth
of experience with age. Another consequence is that the relative
numerical importance of the young and least-educated and the old
and most-educated groups becomes smaller, the more rapid the
upward educational trends. But these are precisely the groups
within which the inequality in earnings is largest. Therefore, the
stronger the upward trend in schooling, the smaller the aggregate
inequality. It can be shown that if growth in schooling ceased and
the distribution of schooling in each age group remained the same
as among young earners with less than a decade of work experience,
inequality in the cross section as measured by the logarithmic
variance would increase by close to 10 percent.
Secular trends in education also affect the distribution of income
indirectly via effects on the composition of the labor force and the
resulting distribution of employment. The lengthening of schooling
and increased enrollment produced a growing intermittent student
labor force. The growth of education of women contributed to a
growing female labor force whose participation is partial. The
resulting cyclical and seasonal sensitivity of the labor force and
the updrift in frictional unemployment have been commented upon
by labor economists. As far as the distribution of income is concerned,
the growing relative importance of the "secondary" labor
force widens the dispersion of employment, a factor which tends
to widen the inequality of annual earnings.
Although the inequality of personal earnings among all earners,
including men, women, and teenagers, is of interest, attention to
inequality among family units is prompted by considerations of
Education, income, and human behavior 92
economic welfare and of consumption behavior. Effects of the education-
induced changes in the labor force are best understood by
considering the family context of earning activities. The greater
the earning power of a family member, the greater the incentives
to participate in the labor force. However, the greater the earnings
of other family members and the greater the family nonemployment
income, the weaker the tendency to work in the labor market.
The positive correlation between educational attainments of
husband and wife is a force in the direction of greater inequality
among families than among family heads. However, the "income
effect" works in the opposite direction. It dominates particularly
in families where the employment of the primary earner is unstable.
It appears, on balance, that the existence and growth of a secondary
labor force, which is partially induced by the growth of education,
contributed not only to the widening of dollar dispersion but also
to the narrowing of relative inequality among families.'9
In conclusion, it is important to note that the secular growth in
education, the narrowing of its distribution, and the growth of
labor force participation of women have rather small effects on
income inequality insofar as they do not affect rates of return to
investments in human capital. If the secular upgrading of education
continues at a steady rate, there are no effects: only acceleration
of trends produces changes in inequality. At the same time, unless
accompanied by similar reductions in the dispersion of all forms
of human capital, even large reductions in the dispersion of schooling
produce small changes in inequality. In contrast, changes in
rates of return transmitted throughout the economy do affect income
inequality almost proportionately.2°
Becker, Gary S.: Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis,
with Special Reference to Education, National Bureau of Economic
Research, New York, 1964.
Becker, Gary S., and G. R. Ghez: The Allocation of Time and Goods over
the Life Cycle, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1974.
Bowen, W., and T. Finegan: Economics of Labor Force Participation,
Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1969.
'9Unrelated individuals are here excluded from the definition of a family.
20These conclusions are based on research by Chiswick and myself (Chiswick &
Mincer, 1972).
Education, experience, earnings, and employment 93
Chiswick, Barry, and J. Mincer: "Time-Series Changes in Personal Income
Inequality in the U.S. from 1939, with Projections to 1985," Journal
of Political Economy, vol. 80, part 2, PP. 534—566, May—June 1972.
Jencks, Christopher, et al.: Inequality, Basic Books, Inc., Publishers, New
York, 1972.
Juster, F. T.: Anticipations and Purchases, National Bureau of Economic
Research, New York, 1964.
Leibowitz, A.: "Education and the Allocation of Women's Time," Ph.D.
thesis, Columbia University, New York, 1972.
Malkiel, J., and B. Malkiel: "Sex Differentials in Earnings," Princeton
University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1971.
Mincer, J.: A Study of Personal Income Distribution, unpublished Ph.D.
thesis, Columbia University, New York, 1957.
Mincer, J.: "On the Job Training: Costs, Returns, and Some Implications,"
Journal of Political Economy, vol. 70, part 2, pp. 50—79, Supplement:
October 1962.
Mincer, J.: "The Distribution of Labor Incomes: A Survey with Special
References to the Human Capital Approach," Journal of Economic Literature,
vol. 8, pp. 1—27, March 1970.
Mincer, J.: Schooling, Experience, and Earnings, National Bureau of Economic
Research, 1974. Distributed by Columbia University Press, New
Mincer, J., and S. Polachek: "Family Investments in Human Capital: Earnings
of Women," presented at Population Conference, Chicago, June
1973, Journal of Political Economy, April 1974.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Money Online 2016

Google Adsense is a great way to earn money online and you harbor Not necessarily needed a website or a blog in order to take advantage of this residual income opportunity. In this blog we will show you, how u can earn money online with Google Adsense and how can you get goedgekeurd through other resources. We do not selling Adsense accounts Because this is a free service. We are just sharing the best and easy ways to get with you goedgekeurd Adsense and start Earning online in English and additionally in Urdu language also.

Easy ways to get adsense account approved 2016_New

Google AdSense is one of the most powerful and well liked most grateful to receive cash in the net by displaying ads on your site, Google AdSense was launched in June 2003 and today has millions every publisher adsense world Google. Just approved AdSense account in most countries. But in a few countries such as Bangladesh, Pakistan and India to use Google AdSense approval is incredibly difficult. The reason is the use of a low quality and content copied or stolen. If you have a website or blog with quality content and traffic handsome AdSense account, you will produce successful after a few hours. But you will get an AdSense account even while not yawn Internet site.I that many people are selling AdSense account, using some techniques to make AdSense account in a very short time. Is there really a trick behind the preparation of their Adsense account not only create personal and pretend that they are doing AdSense account through alternative site. Alternative site shows that onions social sites with AdSense revenue sharing with users who have. In this post, I've also added seven sites that permit you to keep your AdSense account, you will not be forced to pay for this just produce an account and use for your AdSense account is completely free. 1- ( may be an outstanding opportunity and hosting services for free from Google for free dance. This can be a bit like making a free website, subdomain, Blogger, the largest oppertunity to upload the contents of your messages, videos, photos and more distant. Headed to, producing your blog post some outstanding article. (A unique show that the content can not be found anywhere on the Internet and then use AdSense account to make money through their tab. 2- Hub pages may be a site of social networks where people post their articles and get paid off from its Hub pages may be the share of income that you will share your article on any subject. and they pay you for it. You will use for your AdSense account via a revenue share of them. 3 Video is a different way to AdSense accounts videos, one might be a website to share your photos, videos and blogs and are powered by Google AdSense itself, so there is a higher approval AdSense account just register. That accounts for one video uploaded photos Mineral ten blocks production and use account for AdSense. 4 Register here It is terribly simple and easy to make AdSense via Docstoc Docstoc headed to upload such as TXT, PDF files, presentations or documents that contain your files are content with the quality and style of writing. Just head to Docstoc, produces less and upload documents for an AdSense account, you will be approved in a few days, sometimes in a few hours. 5 This is an opportunity to create more cash. This is a revenue-sharing sharing site. It works like Hubpages and Register here And signed into your Google AdSense account and follow the instructions on the website is your main URL, if you do not have a website or blog curruntly after you register for an account, you'll see a choice. to register for a Google AdSense account through their choice of the possibility that you will be successful in accounting for some hours or days. 6, Nadya stone may be a social network such as Facebook in a straight line here, you will improve your standing friends, share photos, etc. First of all, the producers have an account and fill out your personal information. Write a couple of blocks and common minimum upload the image. After you've done with it, just for the application of an Adsense account, I also shared receive my AdSense account has been approved using this network society, this particular release for India and. You have the facility to be approved adsense account number as well. 7 Responses web It is just like Yahoo Answers Ask people here in a different and more will be answered this question. You will receive an AdSense account from this website. conjointly.Simply This song starts and posted some answers to queries.

Google Adsense

Filed under: Adsense by JINSE JOSE

Google adsense being the giant in online advertising, it’s the dream of every blogger or website owner to get his/her adsense account approved. There are certain conditions you have to check regarding your wesite or blog before you apply for adsense approval. Bloggers from USA, Canada and Europe gets adsense approval quickly compared to asians(india,china,.).
Google AdSense approval trick
Google AdSense Approval

Google Adsense Basic Requirements

Your website or blog should be at least 6 months old.(newly blogs only from Europe, USA, Canada are accepted).
Your site should not contain any adult content.
Your site should not contain any copyrighted pictures, videos or links to sites that violate google policies and guidelines.
Never copy and paste content from other websites. Always post new original content.write content rich pages.
You should post at least 10 to 20 content rich pages before applying.
You must be at least 18 years old.
Your site should have a good navigation system that can link all the pages of the blog from the homepage.
Include an about author page with your original photo.
Copyright your content.You can signup in myfreecopyright to copyright your contents for free.
Get some daily visitors through google search.I think the page views are not given much consideration.The content is all.
I applied for adsense soon after my blogspot hosted blog became 6 months old. At first,I got many issues which led to the application rejection.It includes the page navigation difficulty,about author page,etc.Each and every time,before sending the next application I tried my level best,so that the issues were not observed the next time.After 5 or 6 times,I was wondering that “page type” issue was observed,which I was unable to fix after many applications.
Also,I heard that applying for adsense many times in quick time will have bad effect. After applying many times,really I got depressed. But,I got an idea of making my blogspot blog account into a website. For that I bought a domain through Bigrock. At that time there was no internet banking facility available for asians in Godaddy. But now it is available for most of the website registrars including Godaddy and Bigrock. You can get discount of 35% and more on your purchase by applying coupon codes. Now,you have two options. The first is to buy hosting plans. For a new blogger it will be difficult to pay that much amount. The second and the easiest is to redirect the blogger account to the new site. After making sure that your site is working properly, reapply for adsense. If any new problems are detected, just resolve them and apply again. Most probably, you will get your adsense account approved.
It’s almost 2 years since I got my Adsense approval. All I can say is “Adsense is the best CPC network for bloggers”. Those days, the websites were a little bit low, and I should say it was easy to get approval. Today, the scenario has changed completely. It’s becoming hard and harder to get an Adsense account approved. It does not mean I am discouraging you. I am just reminding you that the competition has become little tough. Below, there are some tips and tricks that can guide you to get Adsense approval.
Google adsense approval
Google Adsense approval
Fulfill all the 10 basic requirements that are listed above.
Concentrate your writing to a specific category. This will help you get more traffic and will be a plus point while applying for Adsense.
“Content is King”, it really is. Write quality posts with more words. Try to explain more and include more images. Don’t concentrate on keywords. If you post original content, you will surely get good traffic automatically from search engines.
Check for Adsense approved websites in your category. This is because, Google does not accept all categories. Approval for some categories are easy(Medicine, Health, etc). Whereas for others it’s bit difficult. Also I heard that some friends running Banking related websites and job portals, always got bad luck even with good organic traffic and content.
Get some decent traffic from Google search.
Apply for Adsense only after 6 months. During this time, try to create more content, get some more organic traffic, try applying various SEO strategies and try to create more SEO friendly webpages.
Submit urls and sitemaps to Google by using Google webmaster tools and analyse your website performance using Google Analytics.
Remove all ads running on your site before applying for Google Adsense. It’s very important.
Remove links that are directed to websites that does not comply with Google guidelines. Eg: A free software download link to an external website.
I have not tried getting adsense approval using YouTube. Only know that the Adsense approved account(for a website) can be used to monetize a video that is uploaded from the same account. That is, you need not apply separately for video ads approval. Vice versa can also be true. The method suggests, uploading 2 or 3 new original videos to youtube and applying for Monetization program from there. I don’t think it’s an easy idea to create a video. If anybody tried this, you can confirm it here.

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Hurrah a way of getting money 2015

I know many of you will want to read this post, as Google is now very strict with police approved AdSense account, especially for those who live in Pakistan. We know that professional bloggers who are very serious about their blog and they will not engage in any activity that is against the Google Adsense Terms and Conditions, then Google will ban accounts Adsense. professional blogs in third world countries like Pakistan? There are good reasons that have been mentioned repeatedly in this site is the misuse of Adsense account in Pakistan by spammers. They create a Google Adsense account via a third party website and once approved to sell these accounts to non-professional bloggers than placing ads on their blog spam. Sorry to say But this is not the way to make money from Google Adsense. Buying and selling of Google Adsense account is not just misuse. But in Pakistan Just pick up the newspaper and look at the equipment to see the number of relevant ads with Google Adsense spammers all these to trap innocent people claim they will tell you how, through which one can earn 25,000 to 30,000 rupees. per month when you contact them and ask them what is the way to make money online and this much guess what the answer will be "Google Adsense". There are hundreds if not thousands of groups working in Pakistan, which will mislead people say that Google Adsense is an easy way to earn money on the Internet. This is the way that they trap the innocent. Almost all trainers / teachers to create a free blog on fake and redirect it to services such as free domain name or they select articles from article directories like. or and post 5-10 articles each block. Now, as the blocks are not approved for adsense, so they get these accounts through the website of a third party, such as video one and Docstoc after they place ads on these blogs crappy and show innocent people. and cost them several thousand rupees. One more thing I would like to add before I tell you 10 tips killer Adsense Google account to get your approval in Pakistan. After creating these blogs, they create different groups of people in different cities and set to work as visiting these sites on a regular basis in order to create an impression. In addition, they ask users to click on ads across Google's other members are paid. This whole situation is really alarming and if it continues to rage, Google will ban Pakistan. Therefore, we must condemn these activities and will need to educate our people that this is not the way to make money from Google Adsense. Below are a few tips to get everyone through the Google Adsense account, which is of course illegal. 10 tips to get Google Adsense in Pakistan. 1. Buy your own top-level domain and web hosting famous example, if you buy Godaddy or Hostgator web hosting, cheap web host first Google General may accept your application. But after some time on our website, add your Google Adsense account because of your anger will not slow server speed. 2 Second, and most important, this special day after the Google Panda update is to choose a model or template for your site. Better to buy a premium theme more free themes for SEO optimization and other feature-rich. This way, you can tell Google that you are serious about your blogging career and you do not send spam. 3. Some of you may not agree with me. But trying to use it as your blogging platform and avoid WordPress after Google banned thousands of bloggers Pakistan Adsense account I have checked with almost 100 blocks and believe me or not more than 90% live blog on WordPress and more. At the very top of the block domains blocked were banned by Google (which we all know the blogger is owned by Google so that you can understand). 4. Register your domain in your own name and address and the name and the same address when you apply for an Adsense account better to provide a working phone number, full address, including zip code as well. 5. Wait at least six months before applying for Google Adsense, yes, I know this is the most painful and you do not want to wait any length of time, but we are not alone in this case. China and India are also with us, and Google will not accept applications from these first six months. 6. The first six months of blog you want a real effort and hard work. Write quality and unique content as you can. This anger will leave a good impression on the team, Adsense, and no doubt that they want to cooperate with you. 7. Make sure you have a blog design neat and clean and easy to find, navigation Recently Google has banned many Pakistani bloggers blog account that you did not make the user experience. 8. Never use for Google Adsense blog if you have less content and inappropriate terms and conditions of Google to make sure that your blog has a Privacy Policy Copyright Disclaimer, About Us and Contact Us page. to apply for Adsense 9. Do not try to create an Adsense account through the website of a third party, such as video or Docstoc if you create one of these sites and put ads on your blog, the more you waste your blog in the future Google will handle anger. You and your account will be banned. 10. Make sure that your blog has the least. 300 unique visitors per day before applying for Adsense If your main source of blog traffic is Facebook than a little that Google will accept your application. Try to optimize your blog in order to get more natural traffic from search engines to social networking sites.